Other Projects

Being a web developer is one part designer and one part programmer. It is important to know applications such as Adobe Photoshop and Flash, and it is also important to be constantly updating skills with newer and more cutting edge technologies, such as the HTML5 <canvas> API and mobile app development.

Asteroid Avoidance

This <canvas> game is from a book called Foundation HTML5 Canvas. The <canvas> API is one of the more powerful and interesting of the HTML5 APIs. With my background in video and motion graphics, I expect the <canvas> API to become an important part of my skill set in the years to come.

View live at:

The Earth with Three.js

Another <canvas> project, this one from the book WebGL Up and Running. This project uses the popular Three.JS library to simplify the complexities of WebGL in the browser. The project included texturing and animating a sphere, and even animating the cloud texture on top of the entire sphere.

View live at:

Pitch Perfect

Pitch Pefect is a toy iOS app that records a user's audio and then adjusts the audio file to play back fast or slow, high or low pitched. The app was written with Apple's Swift programming language and XCode 6.


These musical pieces were made with Apple's Garageband. They were made with included looping audio tracks and were completed for the multimeida applications certificate at the University of Massachusetts.

Various Art and Design Projects

This slideshow is a selection of some of the 3D, vector, and Photoshop images I have created. As a video editor I became a capable Photoshop user, and you can see a good deal of the work I have done in Photoshop in my video portfolio. Most of the vector art you see here was made with Flash. The 3d projects were made with various programs.