Federal Department of Emergency Management

Zombie Attacks

Prepare. Plan. Stay alive.

"Read my lips: No new zombies!"

-George H.W. Bush

Community Involvement

Picture of man questioning his knowledge of the zombie menace.

As with any disease, the best way to avoid contracting it is prevention. If you can keep a zombie attack from occuring, then you could save your life, your family's life, your neighbors, and perhaps even your country.

The FDEM recommends the forming of neighborhood zombie awareness groups. These groups are the "watchdogs" of the neighborhood, ensuring that no zombie incursions are able to penetrate your local neighborhood.

These groups monitor neighbor activity, stranger danger, neighbor behavior, and any other unusual happenings in a given area. These can include but are not limited to:

  • Unusual medical conditions
  • Strange behavior
  • Disappearance of pets
  • Finding of body parts
  • Cult activity
  • Change in routine

While the FDEM does not want to condone sptying on neighbors, we wnat to encourage you to know your neighbors, get to know their habits, and report any unusual activity to the proper authorities. Never attempt to ascertain a possible zombie infestation on your own! You could accidentally trigger a world-wide zombie epidemic! Always alert the proper authorities!

As a citizen, it is your responsibility to keep you and your family safe from zombies. Community vigilance is key to preventing zombie infestations in your city and neighborhood.